Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Our Favorite iPad Apps

To say that our two iPads in the Hub are popular is an understatement. Somehow getting our second iPad has caused even more kids to spend their recess time vying for a chance to play on it. Today, I did an informal data collection of what the favorite apps of the moment are. I love that wordle is such an easy tool to use to show data and that it always is pleasing to the eye as well.

4th & 5th grade results:

2nd & 3rd grade results:

I love that although Cut the Rope is a game, it's so fabulous for angles and geometry and physics. My next task is to see what their favorite apps are at home. Prediction: Angry Birds. Or at least that is what is crazy popular in our house.

Monday, 24 January 2011

The Finnish Have it Going On!

I came across this video the other day on Twitter, and I just love it. It was put out by the Finnish library system, and I think they rock. Short and sweet but also powerful. I'd love to make one with students to promote our library.

Friday, 14 January 2011

The Book Challenge of 2010

88 was my final number of the 100 Book Reading Challenge of 2010. Before leaving for the December holiday, the students suggested that I start reading picture books towards the end just so I could make 100, but I opted to stick with what I originally planned: kid lit and adult chapter books.

I loved the challenge, and I often found myself reviewing all those great titles I read in 2010. Now onto the challenge of 2011.

Image Attribution: minusbaby