Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The Hubmobile

Sadly, most of Bangkok is underwater at the moment, and our school was closed unexpectedly for two weeks. Even though our area is dry (thankfully!), the students were going a bit crazy without any new books from the Hub.

Some quick thinking created the Hubmobile. Our fabulous yellow golf cart became an old-fashioned booknmobile set up right next to our neighborhood grocery store. It quickly became a fun way for kids to come and check out some books to replenish their supply. I loved every second of it!

An extra bonus was that my daughter loved being the announcer. "GET YOUR BOOKS!" Beyond cute!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Branching Out

I've been a big fan of Wallwisher for some time now, but one drawback has been the limited number of characters allowed. As I am preparing for an upcoming presentation on the power of Destiny Quest book reviews, I needed something with more space to showcase some stellar book reviews the students have been doing completely independently (oh, how I love that they are so thoughtful when they are working on their own).

Enter Corkboard. Love it! It has the cool, old-school bulletin board look and enough space for me to include all their thoughtful words to share with librarians soon.

Here is the actual link to see all their writing.