Sunday 7 September 2008

Book Reviewing

I'm a sucker for book covers, and I still love having my LibraryThing account that shows a random display of my personal collection on my blog. Their blog is also very interesting and worth checking out. Just recently, I discovered that as a LibraryThing member, you can be a part of their Early Reviewer program. Free books to you with the promise of a 25 word review on the LibraryThing website. Not a bad deal in the least. They currently don't deliver to many countries other than the U.S., Canada and the U.K, but I happen to be going stateside in October so I can pick mine up and do my first reviews. I hopefully scored two children's books and what claims to be a Sedaris-esque tale about knitting this time around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Library Thing! I wish I could remember every book I've read as an adult. I'm working on it!